Ashington Academy News

Virtual School stars of the week - week 1

Date Published:
Friday 08 January 2021
Ashington star of the week

As the first week of remote learning through our Virtual School comes to a close, we would like to say a big well done to some stars of the week!

Tyler, Year 8

Tyler was nominated by the English department for working incredibly hard in English and supporting peers in the lesson to navigate Teams - thank you for your enthusiasm, questions and support! 

James, Year 7

James was nominated by the maths department for showing a real willingness to contribute verbally on Teams lessons. Thanks for your enthusiasm, James!

Maya, Year 10

Maya was nominated by the science department for being ready and waiting for every lesson; has taken part in all group discussions and submitted well- completed work for every task!

Eilidh, Year 11

Eilidh was nominated by the MFL department for her superb attitude to learning and excellent participation in lessons so far with use of the target language.

Hannah, Year 7

Hannah was nominated by the art department for a gorgeous sketch of a dragonfly which makes great use of tone!

Brandon, Year 10

Brandon was nominated by the photography department for receiving his first commission in aviation photography! What an achievement!

Luke, Year 9

Luke was nominated by the food department for volunteering to read aloud to the class from an extract of a research journal and for supporting peers and Mrs Gough with technical issues during the lesson. A real star!

Kieron, Year 9

Kieron was nominated by the drama department for presenting a fantastic attitude to learning and a great sense of confidence when contributing to performance material during live lessons. 

Lorien, Year 9

Lorien was nominated by the geography department for a fantastic geography case study!

Andrew, Year 11

Andrew was nominated by the history department for making absolutely sure he could access all lessons, even when I couldn’t! We are very impressed with this attitude to learning. 

Ruby, Year 10

Ruby was nominated by the RE department for making some excellent contributions in group discussions.  Excellent answers given!