Music at Ashington Academy leads students on a journey of creativity and self-expression through the exploration of core knowledge and skills.
Students are encouraged to develop their skills through the use of both traditional and non-traditional instruments as well as the use of music technology to both perform and compose their musical ideas. Musical notation is discovered in its many forms and is applied to the abundance of practical opportunities that the music curriculum demands.
Students enjoy Music because it is varied, fast-paced and fun. Every student is inspired to believe in their potential and to aim high. Throughout their musical career, students develop the ability to perform with accuracy, fluency and expression. They compose music for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences and appraise familiar and unfamiliar pieces of music evaluating their impact, musical quality and purpose.
Across the key stages students explore and manipulate the use of musical elements to produce desired outcomes, perform from a range of notation developing both solo and ensemble performing skills and appraise a diverse range of music of increasing complexity.
Music is a valuable subject for all to study whether you are a gifted musician or have never engaged in music outside of school.