Lindsay commenced her career in education in 2015 after achieving a Bachelor’s (Hons) degree in Primary Education at Sunderland University. She has experience in teaching in a wide variety of schools from large inner-city schools to smaller village schools, across different local authorities.
Throughout her career, Lindsay has taught pupils from every key stage in the primary phase. After completing her induction teaching year, she was given the opportunity to develop her leadership skills in English, mathematics, science, PSHE, RE, computing and PE. She has worked as a year group and key stage leader in different schools before working as part of the senior leadership team, with NELT, at Diamond Hall Junior Academy as Deputy Headteacher. During her time there, she held further leadership responsibilities such as assessment lead and pupil premium lead.
Lindsay has had successes in supporting school improvement; she has worked with schools across the country in supporting the implementation of a DfE accredited teaching and learning approach. She was then seconded to two primary schools to support the implementation and development of the school’s individual curriculums. Throughout these secondments, Lindsay worked closely, and as part of, the school’s senior leadership team, to support the continuous professional development of staff across the primary phase. Lindsay has directly worked with the White Rose Hub, developing their scheme and resources for teachers across the nation.
Lindsay is now proud to be the Headteacher of Meadowdale Academy.