Lunchtime is an important part of the school day. We encourage students to eat healthily from our food court or our 'cash ‘n’ dash' windows. Items are priced separately and a two course meal may be purchased at a very moderate cost. We also have a mid-morning break service.
We operate a cash-free biometric system; students use fingerprint recognition to deduct money from their accounts. Those who do not wish to use the biometric system are issued with an individual PIN. Student accounts can be topped up by students using cash machines in school or online by parents / carers through SCOpay.
Nutritional standards
There are two standards that we must comply with when providing school catering. The standards were developed following research showing that children were not making healthy food choices at lunchtime and that school meals did not meet their nutritional needs.
1. Food-based standards
They define the types of food which are no longer allowed or are restricted. Food that is high in fat, sugar or salt is replaced with more nutritious food and drinks, introduced to ensure nourishing food is served more frequently.
2. Nutrient-based standards
It is important that school lunches contain sufficient energy and micronutrients to promote good nutritional health in all students and to protect those who are nutritionally vulnerable.
The nutrient-based standards aim to make the food offered healthier by increasing the vitamin and mineral content and decreasing the fat, saturated fat, non-milk extrinsic sugars and sodium, (salt), content.